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Alcohol & Drug Addiction Act 1966

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Alcohol and Drug Addiction Act 1966

Tips, links and the law . . . Everything you need to know.

If you have a family member or a friend that needs treatment for alcohol, or drug abuse . . . then read on!
If you are an alcoholic or drug dependent yourself . . . then you should read on!
Netlaw tells you everything about the law and and the procedures under the Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Act 1966.

This Act allows for the treatment of people with alcoholism or drug addiction at certified institutions and provides legal definitions of 'alcoholic' and 'drug addict'.

The Act is old, but it still works.

It allows any person close to an addicted or affected person who needs treatment to make an Application to the local District Court. 

That Application goes immediately into the hands of a District Court Judge who makes a value judgment on the papers as to whether any particular person needs to be summonsed to Court, or arrested in some cases, for an examination by doctors as to whether compulsory treatment is needed.

Judges and lawyers are involved because the intrusion upon the private rights of any particular individual are so important that they must be safeguarded at all times. 

Once a Judge has become involved, he or she may order a medical examination.  The Judge may say that NO such intervention is necessary.  That is the first safeguard.

To put it another way, no person should be held against the will and given compulsory treatment unless there are very, very good reasons.

Here is direct access to the Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Act 1966 

We provide you with a direct link . . . .

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