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Employment Contracts - Make up Your Own

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Make sure that you read this topic in conjunction with the other Employment and Civil Law topics we provide.


Employment Law

Employment contracts - Can an employee be fired for sickness?


Each contract can be altered to suit but the contracts provided contain the basic legal requirements.


It is always best to be up to date with the current Employment Relations Act. we provide you with a direct link . . . .


We also provide you with a direct link to the Government legislation site where you can look up ALL Acts of Parliament and Regulations and Rules. An Act is also known as a Statute. A Regulation is also sometimes known as a Rule. This Government legislation site is still going through some teething problems. But you will be able to access all legislation and find specific Acts and Rules and individual sections.

Statutory Regulations
Local & Private Acts

We provide you with the following documents.  Just click on to them.  You can alter and fill in your own particulars as you wish.  They can be downloaded directly through your computer.



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"Very, very helpful topics on Employment law, procedure, contracts and tips. Well worth the cost.

Company name withheld by request."

Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Damages
"I found this interesting. I want to sue for punitive damages and I was interested to learn that our courts are pretty conservative. I think the Welfare have quite wrongly taken my kids and I have found out that the affidavit they gave to a Judge to get an order to uplift them was known to the Welfare to be incorrect. They told the Judge that I had drug convictions but when I found out 5 months ago that they thought that I proved then to them that this was untrue yet I have now found that they have still put this false evidence in an affidavit. But they have also told other people about my "drug convictions". You have to watch these people. (name witheld) - May 2007"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Damages
"I got so much from this site. You are right. It is better to "upskill" myself first before paying megabucks to a lawyer just to get an opinion.

I liked access to the case law and the real life submissions. Tim Shadbolt's case was a dag. How much did he get? Bud. Auckland

Thanks a lot . . . Max (Devonport)"

Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Damages
"Very, very helpful topics on Employment law, procedure, contracts and tips. Well worth the cost.

Company name withheld by request."

Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Damages
"Very, very helpful topics on Employment law, procedure, contracts and tips. Well worth the cost.

Company name withheld by request."

Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Damages
"Coverage is very good. I would appreciate a bit more detail on expiry dates for Copyright. Genna T.

Netlaw replies - Will do."

Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Damages
"Great. See the other topics on Statement of Claim -Some Examples - Graeme - Tauranga"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Damages
"A fabulous topic. Why are there no other sites which actually give examples. The lay person does not get to see Claims like this set out so clearly. I think there is a bit of a myth about te law which is buit up by lawyers. Please get as many examples as you can on to this topic please Netlaw . . . Graeme - Tauranga - May 2007"
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