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Representing Yourself In The Family Court

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Self Litigants

A self litigant is a person who chooses to appear in Court 'for themselves' and is not represented by a lawyer. It is not as simple as it might sound. All the rules of the Court, and the Court's processes and procedures, must still be followed. This requires a substantial understanding of the legal process.
But you can do it yourself.  Many of our Family Law topics will assist you.
You should read them first because even up skilling yourself from Netlaw will give you knowledge and confidence.
Here is a direct link to "How to Make and Application".  
. . . . Family Court website
You must also visit our specialist topics:

Family Court Rules 2002

Family Law - Related Acts of Parliament

Family Court Practice and Procedure Notes Issued By the Principal Family Court Judge

With approval from the Judge a self litigant may also have a lay person in Court to assist them. Sometimes referred to as a "McKenzie Friend", this person can give the self litigant advice and take notes, but they cannot act as their advocate, address the Court or talk about the case with anyone else.


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