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Queens Chain

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What is the Queen's Chain?


This site gives you a comprehensive coverage of the historical law concerning your rights.  We will constantly update this topic to take into account the events during 2004 concerning Maori claims and how they might further alter the law.

The Queen's chain is a 22-yard (20-metre) strip at the edge of our rivers, lakes and the sea, owned by the Crown or a local authority and usually available to the public for recreational purposes.


But several problems surround its use. At no stage has New Zealand law established that the public has full rights of access to, or use of, land alongside all our rivers, lakes and sea shores.


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"I found all these contract topics interesting and helpful. JD. Napier December 2006"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Consumer Law
"Thanks Netlaw,
The Judge has all the lengthy affidavits, photos etc and I agree he would really need to see the site. Will give it a shot and thanks for your prompt response and encouragement.
Cheers . . . . Barry "

Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Consumer Law
"Just what I wanted. I wandered around and around my search engines and could not get a document to download. Netlaw provided it! Sara. Hamilton. June 2007"
"Excellent. I found it easy too. I also looked at the Harrassment topic. It was very easy to understand. A local cop served the Trespass notice for me. He said they don't do it all the time but in my circumstances (urgency) the police were prepared to help. But your topic allowed me to do my own Notice and I really felt better for sticking up for myself. Donna - North Shore June 2007"
"Helpful for me. Thanks - Lee - Harwood"
"Helpful and straightforward. I like you Trespass Notice and easy tips for service etc. Hone. Auckland"
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