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Incorporated Societies

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We also provide you with a direct link to the Government legislation site where you can look up ALL Acts of Parliament and Regulations and Rules. An Act is also known as a Statute. A Regulation is also sometimes known as a Rule. This Government legislation site is still going through some teething problems. But you will be able to access all legislation and find specific Acts and Rules and individual sections.

Statutory Regulations
Local & Private Acts

A group of people or an organisation can apply for registration under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908. Once the society is registered, it is known as an incorporated society.  A wide range of groups and organisations apply for incorporation, including sports clubs, music and cultural groups and special interest organisations.

Once registered the incorporated society becomes a seperate legal entity ("person"), distinct from its members. This means that the members are not personally liable for the society’s debts, contracts or other obligations. Likewise, members do not have any personal interest in any property or assets owned by the society.

An incorporated society will continue in existence as long as it files certain documents with the Registrar, or until its members, or a creditor, decide to bring the incorporated society to an end.Special Conditions

The Incorporated Societies Act 1908 specifies the requirements for registerin-

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Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Alternative Dispute Resolution
"Membership No 186685
I have been unable to acquire any case law in regards to bankruptcy. I am thge alleged defendant in the matter and have opposed the application for bankruptcy as I am not the defendant. The case is now at the stage of the high court requiring a synopsis under 251a, I wish to make submissions in not being notified of the hearing at the district court after the notice of proceeding was served. The matter then got judgement without my knowledge and is now before the high court for bankruptcy. Please advise the procedure to locate any supportive case law that may assist with my application to set aside the bankrupcy claim.

Kindest Regards
I "

"You will certainly get a rehearing if you were not notified but, if you simply misread the documents you were originally served with then you could be in trouble. You must actively follow up on your obligation to file and serve a defence and not just wait for the Court to come to you. Good luck . . . Netlaw "
"Likewise . . . very helpful. Thanks. Gerald - May 2007 - Tauranga"
"Received notice from a creditors lawyer that they wish to put in companiy into liquidation and I have up to today upon receiving their letter. A Statory Demand was intially sent on 7 Aril 2008, which I reponded with a reply explaining that an arrangement (verbal) had been entered in by both parties which was to continue supply, once company got post dated cheques, company stopped surpply and but still continued to present cheques which was not the agreement which was entred into.
What position does that leave me if I want to legal challenge this. Without causing me excessive expresses.


Netlaw responds: If you say that they cannot properly sue because there was a new agreement for time payment, then you can apply for an injunction saying that the Statutory Demand Notice is wrong. But it will cost you. An injunction should not be done without legal advice. Type up a Statement setting out precisiely all the facts as you know them and see a lawyer as soon as possible. A letter shouid be sent to the other side saying how inappropriate the Demand procedure is when the subsequent agreement between the parties was made and kept by you. But you must get your facts right!"

Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Alternative Dispute Resolution
"I found all these contract topics interesting and helpful. JD. Napier December 2006"
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