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You must visit our site entitled Intellectual Property for a full overview on that subject.

All of the following information is repeated on that site.


If you are the author or creator of an original work, the COPYRIGHT ACT 1994 automatically protects your intellectual property rights in the work if certain criteria are met.

What are the criteria for copyright protection?

Protection under the COPYRIGHT ACT1994 will automatically apply if both the following criteria are met :

  1. The work must be in a tangible form (that is, the work must be written down or recorded)
  2. The work must be an original work of the author.

We provide you with a direct link to the whole Copyright  Act  1994. 


We also provide you with a direct link to the Government legislation site where you can look up ALL Acts of Parliament and Regulations and Rules. An Act is also known as a Statute. A Regulation is also sometimes known as a Rule. This Government legislation site is still going through some teething problems. But you will be able to access all legislation and find specific Acts and Rules and individual sections.

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Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Advertising - False and Misleading
"I found all these contract topics interesting and helpful. JD. Napier December 2006"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Advertising - False and Misleading
"I found this interesting. I want to sue for punitive damages and I was interested to learn that our courts are pretty conservative. I think the Welfare have quite wrongly taken my kids and I have found out that the affidavit they gave to a Judge to get an order to uplift them was known to the Welfare to be incorrect. They told the Judge that I had drug convictions but when I found out 5 months ago that they thought that I proved then to them that this was untrue yet I have now found that they have still put this false evidence in an affidavit. But they have also told other people about my "drug convictions". You have to watch these people. (name witheld) - May 2007"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: Advertising - False and Misleading
"Coverage is very good. I would appreciate a bit more detail on expiry dates for Copyright. Genna T.

Netlaw replies - Will do."

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