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Police Complaints Authority

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If you have a complaint to make against the Police then you can do so by writing to the local District Commander care of your local Police Station or by contacting the Police Complaints Authority directly in Wellington at the following address. 

We repeat the direct link at the bottom of this page so we suggest you read through our information first.




You could also make a complaint to the Registrar of any Court or to an Ombudsman See our Index Site entitled


We provide you with a direct link . . . .



We now provide you with a direct link to the Government legislation site where you can look up Acts of Parliament and Regulations and Rules. An Act is also known as a Statute. A Regulation is also sometimes known as a Rule. This Government legislation site is still going through some teething problems. But you will be able to access all legislation and find specific Acts and Rules and individual sections.

Statutory Regulations
Local & Private Acts

Whenever any complaint is made to any of those people then the complaints are forwarded directly to the Authority.

You can make an oral complaint immediately to the Police Complaints Authority but it must be followed up in writing as soon as possible.

We believe the Police Complaints Authority is a responsible and independent body. Of course, some comments have been made that it is not an independent authority and that people who criticise the Po-

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