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We provide you with a large number of topics on Criminal Law and procedure.    Whenever a document is required, as in a limited licence application or a Trespass Act Notice, we provide it for you.  Just scroll through the topics below and pick as many as you want.   The first page of every topic is available free of any charge.  If you join up you have a full 90 days unlimited use of all topics and even then you have two further visits back at anytime in the future.

Title - S
Sale of Liquor Act 1989
search and Surveillance - New Laws
Seatbelts & Child Restraints - Know the Law
Secondhand Dealers and the Law
Self defence
Serious Fraud Office
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Violation
Shop Trading Hours
Skateboards, Scooters, In-line Skates etc and the Law
Smacking Children - The Law
Smoking and the Law
Someone hassling you? What can you do?
Status Hearings
Sterilisation (Abortion and Contraception)
Suicide - A Crime? Or Mercy Killing?
Summary Offences Act 1981
Suppression of Name.
Supreme Court of New Zealand
Suspended Sentences