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Legal Aid

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We will give you everything you need to know about legal aid.

We will provide you with a lot of useful hints and links to important other topics and sites so that you will be able to discover easily YOUR  rights to legal aid.

We also provide you with a direct link to the Act below.  Just click on but we suggest that you read the rest of this page first then return to the Act as you wish :

Direct link to the Legal Services Act 2000 . . . .

We also provide you with a direct link to the Government legislation site where you can look up ALL Acts of Parliament and Regulations and Rules. An Act is also known as a Statute. A Regulation is also sometimes known as a Rule. This Government legislation site is still going through some teething problems. But you will be able to access all legislation and find specific Acts and Rules and individual sections.

Statutory Regulations
Local & Private Acts

Legal Aid grants fall into two categories : Civil Legal Aid and Criminal Legal Aid. 


Civil Legal Aid covers all Civil and Family Court matters and really anything to do with the law other than criminal work.

If you want a lawyer on Legal Aid for anything, then you can pick your lawyer and go and see that lawyer in his or her office and that lawyer will help you fill out a Legal Aid Application.  Generally you need to be unemployed or on a fairly low wage or salary.  

As a rough rule of thumb, if you are ear-

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Feedback / Reviews / Blogs on this topic
"I'm making an enquiry on behalf of a relative who is paying child support for a person who is in his mid 30s now, the inland revenue who he is making these payments to told me it is not child support it is spouse support payments and he needs to go back to court to have the order changed. Who do we call now as he is not on a good income and should qualify for legal aid.

Netlaw replies: Yes, Spousal Maintenance is different from Child Support. The Family Court deals with Spousal maintenance but the IRD (Child Support Division) deals with kid's maintenance. Choose any family court lawyer and if he earns less than about $33,000 he should get legal aid."

Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"Hi to Netlaw. I found this a useful overview. I went to the ACC website and found it too difficult to follow. Jim (Dunedin)


Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"dear Netlaw,

My partner and I found all your family sites really good. We are fighting a maintenance and custody dispute with his ex and we cannot get legal aid so we are trying to go it alone and your site really helps. The judge actually commented on our documents saying that they were good. Thanks again . . . . Tuia"

Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"Precisely what I wanted. Cheryl G. Rotorua - May 2007"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"Well worth reading. I don't think I will have any more kids!! Louise J Auckland March 2007"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"Up to date. Great. the IRD Child Support site is so hard to follow. You need a computer degree. You tell it like it is. (One pissed off father)


"Bloody fantastic coverage. Easy to understand and work out. Mike R - Auckland Central"
"Please advise - My partner pays his ex-wife child support every week. (The amount was agreed via a settlement agreement nutted out between lawyers at mediation.) Is this child support still payable on weeks when we have the children? (in school holidays we have the children for half of the time). It seems unfair for his ex-wife to be getting paid child support when we are supporting the children.
Netlaw replies - The access you enjoy in the holidays must be averaged out over the whole year. It does not apply on a weekly basis. That sounds unfair but that is the way it has been interpreted. "

Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"Well worth reading. I don't think I will have any more kids!! Louise J Auckland March 2007"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"I liked you Civil Index. Not much need for family or criminal but you civil index is very good to have at my fingertips. Thanks for providing this service T. (name withheld)"
"Great assistance. I agree with the above. Your civil topics are great. Better than we get at Polytech where I am studying Business Law. Terry -Dunedin - June 2007"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"I am a retired Solicitor from Kent in England and the $45 I spent on your site was really helpful because I am intending settling in New Zealand and your "one stop shop" was a real boon to me. Thanks again. Arnold T. Devon, England"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"I got so much from this site. You are right. It is better to "upskill" myself first before paying megabucks to a lawyer just to get an opinion.

I liked access to the case law and the real life submissions. Tim Shadbolt's case was a dag. How much did he get? Bud. Auckland

Thanks a lot . . . Max (Devonport)"

Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"I was looking round Google to find something about representing myself and I found this and a number of your topics SPOT ON. Thanks. This one was great! Jon F. Auckland - May 2007"
"Thanks Netlaw. Rolf - Auckland"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"The fact examples or samples really helped me. Your topic also gave me confidence to speak up for myself. My case was a simple car accident but the other driver wouldn't pay and my lawyer was going to charge me $700 just to help. Netlaw allowed me successfully to "go it alone". Thanks. Thanks. I am on to making my own will now. Miriam (and hubbie)"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"I did my own documents and got before a Judge and got my own order for protection. I reckon I did it faster then my lawyer last time I need such an order two years ago.
Thank you . . . . Sandie (not my real name)"

Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"Great to be right up to date with the new Evidence Act. Richard G. - Wellington"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"Great coverage. Keep updating the whole website, Netlaw. Barbara K - Hamilton"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"The best topic I have seen so far. Everything I needed. My lawyer said I needed to pay in $2000 to get the thing started. I did it myself. It took some effort but I got there. He did not defend it and now, thanks to Netlaw and the Court staff, I have my Order from the Court in my hand. Money well spent (Identity withheld) Auckland - June 2007"
"Excellent documents and access to the precise law.The Court staff were helpful. Gayle. Coromandel."
"Really useful. One letter (and some draft documents) from me did the trick. I did not need to go near a lawyer. The "other" person was my partner's "ex" and she followed me to work almost every day threatening me but not in a criminal way The Police said she had not committed a crime. My letter worked. She has not done it since but my response looked really professional. Thanks - Barbara - Tauranga "
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"You provide all the documents. Thank you. - Brett -Auckland"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"Great coverage. Keep updating the whole website, Netlaw. Barbara K - Hamilton"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"I got so much from this site. You are right. It is better to "upskill" myself first before paying megabucks to a lawyer just to get an opinion.

I liked access to the case law and the real life submissions. Tim Shadbolt's case was a dag. How much did he get? Bud. Auckland"

Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"David Bain is innocent - Miriam C - Auckland"
"No he bloody ain't - Jimmy - Timaru "
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"I was looking round Google to find something about representing myself and I found this and a number of your topics SPOT ON. Thanks. This one was great! Jon F. Auckland - May 2007"
Feedback/Blogs/Reviews from related topic: ACC
"Helped us greatly. We also looked through all your other criminal sites and have printed some off. Thanks Netlaw. Ali"
"Do we have to use the State paid "Youth Advocates"? Mrs H. (name withheld)

Netlaw replies - No, but you do have to pay for a lawyer of your choice UNLESS the case is so serious that it goes to the District Court or the High Court. Then, normal legal aid takes over where you can choose your own lawyer."

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